Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Danira is a girl that joined our youth group and Bible study this year. She is a dedicated Christian and on fire for Christ. During prayer and time of sharing what God is doing in our lives, Danira always has something to say, whether it’s sharing what she is struggling with or simply praising God for one more day of life. Danira just turned 17 on August 26, 2015. When Danira was 14 years old she got a cell phone, and this opened her up to the world wide web. While spending time on the internet, she met a guy from a different state in Mexico. She then chose to run away with him, so they planned a night where he could pick her up and they could ride off together. Her parents and grandparents were horrified yet couldn’t find her. While with this guy, she entered into a relationship with him but then things got ugly. The man beat her, hit her in the head, and left her for dead. She was in the hospital for a long time and the doctors said it would be a miracle if she ever made it through her injuries. Her parents finally did get her back, and now she lives with her grandma in Boca del Rio. She did heal from her injuries, except that her left arm and hand doesn’t work, and her left leg is very stiff. She cannot walk normal and uses a cane. She also has a large bump (the size of an egg) on the right side of her head by her eye that she always tries to cover with her hair. For about two months everyone from Bible study and our youth group has been trying to raise money so that she can have an operation done on her head to put a plate in to make her injury location more stable. Because of this tragedy, she has missed years of school. Just last week us youth that live in the house and some of the youth group have been raising money for her. The goal is $8,000 and we have about $1,300. Last week was the start of shrimp season, so mostly all the men of Boca del Rio went out for shrimp. We decided to raise money by asking the fishermen to donate any quantity of shrimp and we would later sell the shrimp for money for Dania’s fund. We also sold muffins. If you would like to help donate to this fund, let me know at

August 30 was a special day for us at the Aposento Alto (Upper Room) because we had a wedding! Julio and Lepita are got married! Julio is in his 40’s and Lepita is in her 50’s and they have been together for about 3 years before this living in the same house. It is extremely common for a couple to be ‘married’ simply by moving in together, without a wedding. But upon meeting Doug and Rebecca and growing stronger on their faith, they realized it was wrong to avoid getting married and have decided to finally make it official. It was a beautiful wedding!
The girls ministry is going great! At a minimum we get 5 girls (usually 7) every Thursday! Some special things we have done is painting our hand prints on the wall, having a pool party and a sleep over to celebrate my last week in Mexico. We start every girls group with time of prayer. Everyone tells each other a prayer request and then everyone prays for someone else's prayer request. This usually works well since girl love talking about their lives. I'm going to miss all of them.

A lot of things have been going on here in Las Glorias, I for sure forgot to mention everything but it has all been a big learning experience for me and a big test of my faith. Now that it is the end of August and my year in Mexico is coming to a close, I have decided to move back to Michigan in the beginning of October. Please pray for me as I will be trying to fit back into the west Michigan culture, looking for a job, and reconnecting with friends and family. Pray that God gives me patience in starting this new chapter in my life and that everything goes well in the preparation of my sister Hailey’s wedding.
Thank you again for all of your support! This past year has been an invaluable experience, where I not only worked to change people’s hearts to turn to God, but my own heart has been changed to better reflect the love of God too.

Monday, July 27, 2015

God works in his own timing, and isn’t that the truth.

Since I last updated, the house has gotten filled up. A girl named Vero and her one year old daughter Genesis from a city about five hours away came and is living with us as a time for restoration and to have time to refocus her life. Another girl named Megan is also living with us for summer break to learn and practice her English. Both girls are listening and grasping at God’s word. Right now Evie and I share a room with Megan and we spend a lot of time with Vero and her daughter.
A couple weeks ago, I was sitting on the turf of the soccer field, waiting for softball practice to start with two teenage girls that are in my girls group and older ladies that enjoy softball. One girl, her name is Maria, and her mother were there also. I had been teaching Maria English because she was to go to the United States for a while and spend time with her dad and if she liked it she would start going to school there. When we were all sitting there that day, it happened to be three days before Maria would leave. I asked her mom what she thought about her daughter leaving and she started tearing up. I gave her a hug and told her I would pray for her. Seeing my own mother worry about my trip here and leaving for a while, I knew she needed some reassurance. I started asking more questions and trying to get to know them better, then the mother and the other ladies started asking questions about me. They finally asked me what is my purpose is for being in Mexico. For being here in Mexico for about 8 months already, it’s surprising that this was the first time someone asked me what I am doing here. I told them that I was here to make friends with the girls and show the love of God. Then I told them that if they ever had a prayer request to tell me. Most all of the girls and ladies on my softball team do not come to Bible study or youth group, so I try to make them feel safe and cared for whenever I happen to be around them. Maria had confided in me that she was nervous about her trip to the United States, scared of all the new people she’d meet and being in a new country. During our girls group I made sure to take the time to pray over her with the girls. Now Maria is safely with her Dad in California. Once Maria’s mom comes back to Boca del Rio I intend to talk with her and give her comfort and God’s hope from the Bible. Sometimes it takes situations of need and distress to turn for God for strength.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Coult family came back on the 20th. When they came to pick me up from Boca del Rio I had the biggest smile on my face and was so happy to be able to speak English with someone standing next to me again. I don’t regret living in Boca for the last 3 weeks, it was just one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I kind of felt like I was just trying to survive, stay cool (both physically and mentally) and keep up the ministry while I was there while interacting with the family. I’m really glad this experience didn’t happen any sooner than it did because I probably wouldn’t have been ready.

I was able to put on the girl’s group night two weeks where we painted nails one night and did braids and hair the other night. After the girls knew that I like doing hair, some have come to me to do their hair for special events and such, which I happily accept because that means I get more time to talk to them. While I was in Boca del Rio I also taught a lot of English. The two kids of the family I stayed with already were doing an English computer program, so the mom asked me to help them with that, pronunciation and I gave them other phrases to learn too. I also took on a student, her name is Maria. Maria is around 17 and will be going to California for a year to visit her father and her family that lives there. She wanted me to help her be able to speak English since she will need to later since the teachers here in Mexico don’t really teach students how to speak English. Once the girls heard I was teaching Maria, mostly everyone wants me to teach them, but that’s not surprising because just about everyone in Mexico wants to learn how to speak English.

Along with girl’s group, we still have been playing a bit of softball on Wednesday nights. All the normal things like youth group, and kid’s class still happen every week.
All in all, I can’t really tell that my Spanish has gotten any better. Some people say it has but for me it’s hard to tell. I’m pretty happy things are carrying on as normal now, as long as I keep doing what God wants me to do.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Its been almost 2 weeks since I moved to Boca del Rio, the small fishing village next to Las Glorias. This has been one of the hardest things I've done so far just because I don't know a ton of Spanish. The first day I was left with the Mexican family at 1pm in the afternoon I just wanted to cry and give up because I didn't know what people were saying half of the time. Days past and I got used to only hearing Spanish, and I am trying to pick up more Spanish. Obviously I'm forced to talk more Spanish and I am learning more but it is super hard when I don't know what a word is, I don't have my cell phone to translate it and they can't play charades or act out what the word means. A lot of the time I won't understand a word and I just have to tell the person I don't understand it, which is really hard to admit because then comes the part where I look stupid. At that point, it doesn't matter that I have 2 college degrees, graduated with honors or anything like that. If I don't understand a word, people look at me like I'm just plain stupid. I've also had people get mad at me for not understanding something. These are the hardest circumstances for me, when I get most depressed, and if it happens too much in one day, I call that a bad day. But, I'm trying to keep my spirits up, am hanging out with the girls, I am enjoying playing sports and youth group. Its getting pretty hot around here, but Its not worth complaining about that yet because I hear it will get worse. I only have one more week here in Boca then the Coults will come back from down south and I will live with them again.

Monday, May 4, 2015


Since the last time that I wrote an entry many things have happened. Evie and I have been trying very hard to establish a young women’s Bible study. Right before we left for the United States on the 9th of April, we had a movie night with the girls. Five girls came, which is great compared to one or zero. We decided to do this since before, our intent was to have a Bible study, to open the Bible and study it with them so they could grow their faith. Then once we tried to do that and announced we were doing that, no one came even after they said they would. Some of these girls have just accepted Jesus into their hearts and some are not even Christians yet, they are just curious or just come because their friends do. But because they are so new to Christianity and the Bible, they may not see the value of opening their Bibles and therefore may not see why they should commit to a weekly Bible study. Since we were not getting a good response with the weekly Bible study Evite and I decided we needed to do something different. Now that we are back in Mexico we have to get together with the girls again and hope that we can reach them.
     On Easter Sunday we had three baptisms in the river and it was very cool. One 80 year old cow boy and two teenagers decided to allow God to sanctify their lives and be washed with the water. Two days later four other teenage boys wanted to be baptized also so we baptized them in the ocean. These baptisms were important since it showed their faith is maturing and that they plan on following God for their whole life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ive had the blessing of my family coming to visit me March 1 through the 8th of this month. I wanted to show them the place I live, the work I do and the people I interact with. My family and I were able to enjoy the sun and beach, but we also did some ministry work too! First at the weekly Bible study on Tuesday night Hailey Overweg shared how important teeth hygiene is and gave out tooth brushes, floss and tooth paste. Then on Saturday my family happily gave four boys on the little kids league baseball gloves previously donated by Ashley Haisma and her youth group. It was a good week of encouragement!

In terms of the ministry here, things are progressing. We have been getting a lot of kids at the Tuesday night Bible study, and I am still in charge of the children’s class. Youth group numbers vary from week to week but we do see a solid group come every time. My roommate Hailey Holden left back for California and the oldest daughter Sarah got married on February 28 so the house feels a bit empty. Evie and I are still trying to continue a teen-girl Bible study. We are having trouble getting a solid group to come every week. It seems as if all the girls we are trying to reach know God exists but have a hard time making it a priority in their lives or each have a unique situation that blocks their faith to take root. Please pray that the devil does not make a foot hold in their lives and for them to gain wisdom and understanding of the gospel as we talk to the girls every week.

My Spanish is getting better but is still a struggle that I’d still like prayers! Last Friday was the last softball game of the season (I played rover). I’m sad the games are done but we are continuing to practice for next year. This softball ministry had been the perfect doorway into getting to know the girls of Boca de Rio, the village next to us, and I feel like I can call most all of them my friends. I am thankful God has given me the talent to be able to play softball and for the opportunity to meet new people.
I am scheduled to visit Michigan April 12 till the 25th so maybe I will see you then!

Thank you for your support in the past 5 months and in the future!

Friday, January 30, 2015

This mission trip has been very interesting! We visited a lot of cities, have done different ministry focuses to share the gospel, and have met many different people. In total we have 10 people on this trip. Doug, Rebecca, Sarah, Fabian (Sarah’s fiancĂ©), me, Hailey, Evie, Jeremias, Valentino (a pastor from Guasave), and Kevin (a mission pastor from Oregon).

The 14th of January we arrived in Quimichis and held two youth services in the town plaza which included music and speeches aimed to encourage the youth to seek God. On the 18th we arrived in Celaya where Rebecca and Doug held parenting classes. During one of those nights we hung out with the youth there and I was able to give a short message of my favorite verses Acts 20:17-24. We also did a youth outreach where we shared testimonies, worshipped and gave a drama. Next we went all the way over to Patla, a city in the mountains that are very beautiful. There we did a youth event where 5 youth decided to give their lives to Christ!!! Doug and Kevin held 3 days of classes on the book of Jonah to teach how to carefully understand and preach the Bible. Right now we are in Union San Antonio where we have held another parenting class, 2 days of classes on the book of 2 Timothy to better interpret Scripture and led youth group where I shared a message of using their talents and passions to impact their community. Today we will have a youth outreach which will be a good end to this mission trip.

Thankfully I was able to successfully eat the spicy food, but mostly everyone on the trip including me developed a bad cold possibly from all the temperature and altitude changes we have been in. I am thankful for this time of outreach to southern Mexico but at the same time excited to get back to Las Gloria to continue in the ministry there!

worshiping in Celaya at our youth outreach

in Union at the 2 Timothy class, about 17 students came!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I have been blessed with the opportunity to go back to Michigan for Christmas to visit family so that was nice! I hope that you had a Merry Christmas and happy New Year too!

I have seen God working here in Las Glorias; two girls we have been spending time with and praying for have recently accepted Jesus in their hearts along with two other teenage boys that go to youth group. God has been faithful to us and we have been able to take them to youth events and have ministered to them. Shortly after the girls accepted Jesus into their hearts they expressed the interest of learning more about the Bible. My roommate Hailey, Evie and I decided we would try to start a younger girls Bible study. So last week we met Thursday afternoon and one girl came so we read 1 Cor 15:1-8 to start teaching the basics of Christianity. In the future we will invite more and see if it turns out to be bigger but even if just that one girl comes it is worth it. It is important to teach what information I know to new believers and that they see and realize how God wants them to act as a woman of God.

On Wednesday, the 14th of this month we will leave to go to southern Mexico, visiting churches and holding youth events for teens all over. Please pray this goes smoothly, that we walk with confidence and efficiency to communicate the Word, and for me to be able to stomach extremely spicy food ;) more pictures to follow from the trip south sometime after February 2!