Friday, January 30, 2015

This mission trip has been very interesting! We visited a lot of cities, have done different ministry focuses to share the gospel, and have met many different people. In total we have 10 people on this trip. Doug, Rebecca, Sarah, Fabian (Sarah’s fiancĂ©), me, Hailey, Evie, Jeremias, Valentino (a pastor from Guasave), and Kevin (a mission pastor from Oregon).

The 14th of January we arrived in Quimichis and held two youth services in the town plaza which included music and speeches aimed to encourage the youth to seek God. On the 18th we arrived in Celaya where Rebecca and Doug held parenting classes. During one of those nights we hung out with the youth there and I was able to give a short message of my favorite verses Acts 20:17-24. We also did a youth outreach where we shared testimonies, worshipped and gave a drama. Next we went all the way over to Patla, a city in the mountains that are very beautiful. There we did a youth event where 5 youth decided to give their lives to Christ!!! Doug and Kevin held 3 days of classes on the book of Jonah to teach how to carefully understand and preach the Bible. Right now we are in Union San Antonio where we have held another parenting class, 2 days of classes on the book of 2 Timothy to better interpret Scripture and led youth group where I shared a message of using their talents and passions to impact their community. Today we will have a youth outreach which will be a good end to this mission trip.

Thankfully I was able to successfully eat the spicy food, but mostly everyone on the trip including me developed a bad cold possibly from all the temperature and altitude changes we have been in. I am thankful for this time of outreach to southern Mexico but at the same time excited to get back to Las Gloria to continue in the ministry there!

worshiping in Celaya at our youth outreach

in Union at the 2 Timothy class, about 17 students came!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I have been blessed with the opportunity to go back to Michigan for Christmas to visit family so that was nice! I hope that you had a Merry Christmas and happy New Year too!

I have seen God working here in Las Glorias; two girls we have been spending time with and praying for have recently accepted Jesus in their hearts along with two other teenage boys that go to youth group. God has been faithful to us and we have been able to take them to youth events and have ministered to them. Shortly after the girls accepted Jesus into their hearts they expressed the interest of learning more about the Bible. My roommate Hailey, Evie and I decided we would try to start a younger girls Bible study. So last week we met Thursday afternoon and one girl came so we read 1 Cor 15:1-8 to start teaching the basics of Christianity. In the future we will invite more and see if it turns out to be bigger but even if just that one girl comes it is worth it. It is important to teach what information I know to new believers and that they see and realize how God wants them to act as a woman of God.

On Wednesday, the 14th of this month we will leave to go to southern Mexico, visiting churches and holding youth events for teens all over. Please pray this goes smoothly, that we walk with confidence and efficiency to communicate the Word, and for me to be able to stomach extremely spicy food ;) more pictures to follow from the trip south sometime after February 2!